Sunday, September 20, 2015


Hey all. Welcome to the blog home of The Children of Rust, my Warhammer 40k Space Marine army. After a roughly 6 year hiatus from the game while I have been in the service, I got the itch to take up the hobby again while I had a lot of time overseas to read other blogs and forums.

Also, I have to give a big thanks to a couple friends for giving advice and motivation. Mark and Braden have been very inspiring, both as hobby enthusiasts themselves and also as sounding boards for painting and modeling(as well as fluff and background!)

So, what's the concept for my army? Pretty much a self made chapter, inspired by Dark Angles and Space Wolves, and also actual real life SOF units. I envision the Children of Rust as a chapter that's been lost in and out of the warp for a very long time, trying to get home. Along the way they have picked up various guard units to supplement and fill in losses. "We don't call for reinforcements, we make them" is a phrase I hear from so many quiet professionals, and it's a concept I have wanted to adapt to the hobby for a while. Scavenge, scrounge and build. When you are light years from a supply depot or a manufactorium world, you have to adapt and overcome. And embracing the rust, which becomes a symbol of your distance and struggle? That is a central theme of the force in my mind.

More fluff will follow, but know that they are big fans of the colors white and purple, and that any metallic surfaces will be modeled to show heavy rust. We will find out why as posts progress!

Thanks for stopping by! Oh, and here are some photos of the roughly 5000 points of figures that I am stripping and repainting.....

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