So, the other day I was fortunate enough to need a surgical operation on my hip. Luckily, this hasn't laid me out too badly. It does however mean that I have several weeks of convalescent leave to focus on physical therapy and healing. This also means I have some extra time to paint, since I'm fairly limited in my range of movements! Sitting in a chair for a 30 minutes at a time however seems pretty reasonable so far!
Here is what I'm working on right now...
Yep. That's a predator with twin link lascannons(bought it off eBay years and years ago, the modeling is less than stellar) and another squad of termies. There are 5 termies total, but the other two are still only the brown washed bone so they are off to the side, awaiting their turn.
Looking forward to sitting with a brush for a while today and hopefully finishing them up!
Dude, I love that predator. Really great!