Wednesday, November 4, 2015

I tell you what

Life ha a way of interfering. Having to work longer days and also do some extra mentoring of junior employees definitely cuts into modeling and game time! 

That being said, I have a land speeder about 80% done and 14 assault marines with jumpbacks base coated and ready for the first sepia wash. Yay! Optimistically they will be done by December. 

Next in the docket is a Missile/TL Las Dred. I may get saucy and try to re-pose the legs. Ooooooo!

Friday, October 16, 2015


I am working on the bases...

Tried some crackle paint and it didn't quite turn out as crackled as I wanted. I like the sand and colors though. Gonna try again and add some rusted scrap metal bits, then just go with however that turns out!

What do you think?

Friday, October 2, 2015

The last two-

They ain't pretty, but they are painted! Ignoring mismatched color schemes and no basing, I've got 1000 points ready for the game.

First game jitters

So I've arranged to meet a guy at a local shop to play a small game of 7th Ed. 1000 points, just to try to learn the rules. I built a pretty basic list, just based off what I have at least painted (if not based). Some of the paint is my old Dark Angels, some of it is a red armor variant I started to do several years ago, and some of it is the new white scheme. This won't really be a narrative game for me, since it's my first go in the new system. I'll take some notes though and write up a battle report anyway. My list is here if you'd like to check it out.

Here's the last bit of painting I have to do to get completed squads! Just a tank commander with a stormbolter for a rhino and one sergeant with a power weapon to lead a tactical squad. We'll see how well I do on the rush job of them tonight!

And here is a shot of the (mostly ready) force.

Friday, September 25, 2015


I need to stay off of eBay for a while. A razorback with TL plasma/lazcannon and a NIB Stormtalon.  Yeesh.

Plus there is a land speeder storm en route as well! I have some painting ahead of me!

Adding to the forces

So, the other day I was fortunate enough to need a surgical operation on my hip. Luckily, this hasn't laid me out too badly. It does however mean that I have several weeks of convalescent leave to focus on physical therapy and healing. This also means I have some extra time to paint, since I'm fairly limited in my range of movements! Sitting in a chair for a 30 minutes at a time however seems pretty reasonable so far! 

Here is what I'm working on right now...

Yep. That's a predator with twin link lascannons(bought it off eBay years and years ago, the modeling is less than stellar) and another squad of termies. There are 5 termies total, but the other two are still only the brown washed bone so they are off to the side, awaiting their turn.

Looking forward to sitting with a brush for a while today and hopefully finishing them up!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Brothers

The idea of this army is that with experience comes purity. Neophytes have nearly red brown colors, tactical marines are light bone, and veterans wear nearly pure white. I may not have the skills to pull it off, but here is the progression so far...
The tac marine is a little too white, but the recipe is nearly there!

A few photos

This pile is "holy crap I have to do what!?"

This group of it's...technically playable?

A few finished scouts(minus basing)

A tactical squad in progress

The the finished models so far(minus basing of course)

Apologies for the terrible photos. I may be a professional photographer, but I still use my phone for these. It don't make sense, right? Hopefully I build a lightbox and use a better camera for some of the finished models, at least!


Hey all. Welcome to the blog home of The Children of Rust, my Warhammer 40k Space Marine army. After a roughly 6 year hiatus from the game while I have been in the service, I got the itch to take up the hobby again while I had a lot of time overseas to read other blogs and forums.

Also, I have to give a big thanks to a couple friends for giving advice and motivation. Mark and Braden have been very inspiring, both as hobby enthusiasts themselves and also as sounding boards for painting and modeling(as well as fluff and background!)

So, what's the concept for my army? Pretty much a self made chapter, inspired by Dark Angles and Space Wolves, and also actual real life SOF units. I envision the Children of Rust as a chapter that's been lost in and out of the warp for a very long time, trying to get home. Along the way they have picked up various guard units to supplement and fill in losses. "We don't call for reinforcements, we make them" is a phrase I hear from so many quiet professionals, and it's a concept I have wanted to adapt to the hobby for a while. Scavenge, scrounge and build. When you are light years from a supply depot or a manufactorium world, you have to adapt and overcome. And embracing the rust, which becomes a symbol of your distance and struggle? That is a central theme of the force in my mind.

More fluff will follow, but know that they are big fans of the colors white and purple, and that any metallic surfaces will be modeled to show heavy rust. We will find out why as posts progress!

Thanks for stopping by! Oh, and here are some photos of the roughly 5000 points of figures that I am stripping and repainting.....

Emerging From The Warp

********Vox Link Initiated ********
*****Transmitting Pictorial Feed*****

"Brother Captain, our navigators have begun the transition. The Gellar Field is being deactivated;we enter unknown territories."

"Acknowledged, Brother Sergeant Jamus. Send the call to prepare all weapons, increase the
range of our scanners to maximum. Alert Techpriest Osirian that we request him
to beseech the holy machine spirits to guide our course without fail."

"Your command is executed Brother Captain."

"Brother Sergeant Jamus, cast my next message to all of our brothers and servants upon 
Ferrous Pride. I desire to speak directly to all."

Brother Marines, brave allies of the Astra Militarum, loyal servants and compatriots; we have traveled far and long. We have strayed far from our course and know not into what new hell we shall find ourselves cast. Though we have been far from his presence for so many years, though we have battled countless foes from without and from within, though we have suffered heavy losses, we know that there is always the call to honor and duty. For every brother and ally that falls, we train and recruit two more to replace him. For every Predator that is taken by the enemy, we salvage and rebuild it again. We keep the teachings of honored Guilliman in our hearts, but also know that without adaptation only stagnation and ruin await us. We have served Our Emperor through our losses. We bear our wounds and stains with pride. Though the decay creeps in from every pernicious angle, we rise through, knowing that our return to Holy Terra will cleanse every bolter and every blade, every body and every soul. Have faith my brothers, for our Father has not forgotten us and we are not lost. Through the warp we have been thrown, but we shall rise and fight wherever we have ground to stand. We are our Father's sons, and through loss do we serve.

We are the Children of Rust and we will not die this day.

*****Vox Link Ended*****