Friday, June 23, 2017

8th Edition Goodness!

8th Edition gaming!

Heading down to visit a friend this weekend for our first 8th ed game together. It'll be my third game, and I think his second.

We are both fielding guard (my guard army is coming along! hurray for speed painting and easy tank schemes) with my side being at a power level disadvantage. 100pl vs 75 pl, ambush scenario. 

After our last battle, the Children of Rust and their allied guard comrades secured a promethium supply. The guard elements refueled their tanks and are returning to the forward base to rejoin the Children, and must pass through a series of canyons and bridges. Hopefully none of these chokepoints are the site of an ambush...

We've come up with some custom stratagems for the game as well.

1CP - Give her the hooch! - Every tank crew worth their salt has a still somewhere in the motor pool. While the resulting liquor *may* make you go blind, it also burns like hellfire. More than one crew claims adding it to their promethium gave them the boost they needed to get out of a tight spot. (Automatically count as rolling a 6 when determining advance distance for one unit)

2CP - They have us surrounded? The poor bastards. It's easy to keep a stiff spine when your back is up against the wall! (Until the end of the player turn, one unit counts as having leadership 10)

3CP - Annoying snares. The citizen rabble that compromise part of the ambushing forces have laced the area with triplines, minor explosives, and home-made booby-traps. While ineffective at harming infantry, they prove annoying enough to force a unit into a less desirable location. (Nominate a single building currently occupied by enemy infantry. For one shooting phase that terrain feature offers no cover save. Usable once per battle)

My list - "Steel Thunder"
Tank commander - Leman russ with battlecannon, lascannon, melta sponsons
Team 113- Missile launcher, 2 grenade launchers
Chimera-Multi las, heavy bolter, heavy stubber
Team 119- Missile launcher, grenade launcher, melta gun
Chimera- Multi las, heavy bolter, stubber
Leman Russ - Battlecannon, plasma sponsons, lascannon
Leman Russ Squadron - 
     Executioner cannon, plasma sponsons, las cannon
     Punisher gatling cannon, heavy bolter sponsons, heavy bolter
Hellhound - Inferno cannon, heavy bolter