Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Guarrrrds! We're guardssssss!

Update on tanks! About 75% done with the Imperial guard tanks. Sort of. I maaaaay have just bought a hellhound on eBay. Heh.

Photos to follow, once I figure out iPads and blogger.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Tank madness continues

Figured out a color scheme for the Imperial Guard tanks!

Now to determine if I should repaint the guardsmen to match, or just hold on to the blue scheme I've got going.

Friday, December 2, 2016

New Tankyear's Day 2017!

********Vox Link Initiated ********
*****Transmitting Pictorial Feed*****

"Jamus, how went the aquisition?" Cadmius finished applying the sacred oils to his relic blade before sliding it back in it's plain leather sheath, then looked focused his attention on the pict screen at his oldest friend and advisor.

"Brother Captain, the mission was a success, but there was an unexpected complication. We secured the motor pool and two functional vehicles were salvaged for our guardsman allies, but there was a Necron patrol that attempted an ambush. Several warriors and a lord were destroyed, but we had multiple scouts injured and our Typhoon was severely damaged."

"Necrons, Jamus? This sector grows ever more complex. We shall have to account for their presence in future raids. Those metal skinned bastards have a nasty habit of appearing when least expected."

"Indeed Captain. But our allies are more than thrilled with the Chimera and Leman Russ variant obtained. I'm told it is an Executioner model, which should give even the foul aliens pause with it's holy reckoning of plasma."

"Brother Sergeant, you have earned your rest. But do not become too comfortable. Several scouts have reported a disconcerting gathering of forces nearby. We may be facing a large battle before too long. Our new armor will likely earn it's keep very soon."

                                                                            *****Vox Link Ended*****                                                                           

Long gaps in posts, that's about right. Busy with life and school. We  bought a house and I'm enrolled full time in a forestry program.

A home project of "remove wallpaper and repaint" a bathroom turned into "rip down walls to studs, re-insulate, and redo damn near everything." So that's been keeping me busy busy busy.

Enough about that though! You're here for 40k goodness. And boy do I have progress there.

I've gotten a couple small games (1000pt and 500 pt) in with the gaming club at the university. It's a small group but there are some great guys and varying levels of collection. I ended up being the person who's not only played longest (since 2004!) but also has the biggest collection.


In modeling news...there's a big event coming up! A few friends, including Mark from, and I are planning to get together on New Year's Day 2017 for an all mechanized all tank game. Right now each player should be fielding about 3000 points worth, and it may go up to 3500 depending on lists.

Four players, up to 7000 a side? Yes please.

Bad news is my tanks are in various states of disrepair and paint. Some are plastic, some are primed, some are various paint schemes. So I've been stripping the old and mis-matched schemes and hustling to get them all at least table ready in the official Children of Rust white and purple and rusted metal paint scheme.

A couple grainy pics from my storage shelves! (That's other hobby progress. I've finally got a basement area to lay out and prepare all my models.)

 Tanks tanks tanks! Here you see the tanks waiting for final assembly/priming/painting. There will be a Leman Russ Executioner joining this stack in the next day or so.

Here are the models that I've declared "ready". Notice that there is a predator, a razorback, and a vindicator in different schemes. Still debating on repainting the vindicator, as it's totally different. The Dark Angels green pred and razorback are staying as they are though. I have to draw the line somewhere!


More updates as progress is made. I may go get a small game in tomorrow! Time to try out those vindis, I think.

Friday, May 6, 2016

A Narrative Begins

I've been looking forward to getting some gaming done back in the Mid-west, and I'm finally able to! I played a game recently with Mark. He played his Marine's Errant and I of course played the Children of Rust. We tied it into the D-Company summer campaign as well, which was neat!

We pulled a mission from the Exterminatus supplement, called The Gate. My guys took on the role of "Nids". It came down to long edges, I needed to get within 6" inches of a gate on his board edge. Unfortunately, many of my models were either missing, in storage, or damaged, so my army was not all painted the same scheme. Sigh.

Captain Cadmius leads his forces into battle through the streets of the abandoned manufactorium village. His rides his customized space marine bike and wields his ancient relic blade, blasting down the narrow roads. Brother Tigrus holds his plasma gun ready, while landspeeders provide overwatch and rapid reaction.

The gate to the fuel depot lies on the other side of the hab blocks, and the scouts climb through the ruins ahead of the force, finding a safe path.

The enemy has infiltrated their own scouts! The Children have been detected. A vicious fight is sure to be had.

The land speeder typhoon unloads it's payload of missiles and heavy bolter shells, slaying 4 of the scouts and securing the right flank of the forces while they advance.

 The scouts bravely charge through the scattered rubble while the Captain and his escorts sweep around the streets, trying to encircle the foe. Two scouts are gunned down, but they bravely keep

The tactic is sucessful! Charging into the foe's tactical squad, the bikes and scouts slaughter the enemy. Captain Cadmius accounts for two kills on his own, but the scouts lose another of their squad in the ensuing melee.

A badly damaged Marine Errant rhino makes a last ill-planned attempt at glory, and attempts to ram the transport of the Children. The rusted armor holds strong, and the Marine Errant vehicle erupts in flames and smoke.

The enemy is bloodied but unbowed. They unload weapons into the bike squad, slaughtering all but the Captain. Meanwhile Tactical Squad Jamus piles out of their rhino and fires bolter shell after bolter shell into the Marines Errant. The enemy commander is finally slayed, his servitors gunned down and his armor failing him.

Enemy vehicles take heavy fire from the land speeder typhoon while Captain Cadmius rushes towards the entrance point to the Promethium refinery, securing access to badly needed supplies.

Tactical Squad Jamus surrounds the Captain, supporting him and ensuring the Children of the Rust carry the day.


All in all, a great game. Having a single fixed point objective was awesome, and Mark was very forgiving with all the rule errors I made. We forgot about his Command Trait though, which could have definitely changed the battle. He had rolled Feel No Pain, which could have kept his Techmarine alive longer and denied me 3 victory points. The end score of 7-3, though, was largely due to my Captain wrecking house in close combat and then my land speeder typhoon going on a rampage and wiping out scouts as well as vehicles. Man those dual missiles and HB are NASTY against light skinned transports.

So far the Children are shaping up nicely, and I'm looking forward to progressing the story. They've secured a foothold in the system now, and the Inquisition is chasing them. Look for more fluff and bat reps (as well as hobby progress) over the next couple months!

Speaking of hobby's a hint. It involves 25 scouts and a week of painting! Also, I bought a bunch of 32mm bases to put all my power armor troops on. Exciting times.

Until next time, Through Loss We Serve!

Sunday, January 24, 2016


I am terrible at this blogging thing. My hobby progress has been minimal as well, but I did paint up a bunch of jump marines with all the weapon options! And I found my old jump chaplain, so I can start using him again, after some minimal paint changes. Gonna keep his armor black I think.

I bought a bunch of models as well, including a few tanks and bikes. And more termies.

The biggest purchase though, is an Inperial Knight Warden. I saved up a bunch of gift cards and found one for a good price on Amazon! Brand new and it should arrive in the mail sometime this week!

My painting skills are for sure not up to that yet, but I'm cool with modeling it and pinning/magnet using for now. Maybe I can convince someone in Madison with a spray booth to help me paint it this summer...